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A Shift in Perspective

Writer's picture: Brooke AckermanBrooke Ackerman

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

“Lord, please just help me get through the day.”

It’s been over 15 years ago now that I prayed that prayer. And at the time, I prayed that prayer just about every day.

What I didn’t realize, initially, was I was creating a situation for myself that was the exact opposite of what I truly wanted. I was creating an attitude and a perspective for myself that communicated to me that the day was going to be difficult, that I barely had what it took to make it from morning to night, and that very few - if any - good things were ahead of me in my day.

The only good thing I see in that prayer - and it was only now as I was typing this that I noticed it - was I was talking to God in the middle of what was one of the most difficult circumstances of my life.

The situation I was experiencing at the time was difficult.

It did feel nearly impossible for me to get from the morning to the end of my day.

I did have a tough time seeing the good that was in my life.

Those things are all true. But what I didn’t intend was to pile on with my words, and that’s exactly what I was doing. By saying that prayer, I prevented myself from seeing anything that was good or uplifting. Instead, my words were creating a reality that was the opposite of what was true.

Because even during that tough time in my life, this is what was true:

The situation was difficult, but I was becoming a stronger person and more who God designed me to be.

The days felt long, but I found a strength in myself that I didn’t know was there, and I was supported by amazing friends.

I wanted to see the good that was all around me.

I remember catching myself one day while I was in the middle of saying that prayer. I don’t remember what it was that shifted my perspective, but I’m just really glad the shift occurred! I caught myself and realized what I had been doing by saying those words, and I changed my prayer.

I asked God to open my eyes to Him, to His presence, to what He was doing in my life. I asked for a different perspective. I asked for an awareness of the good - in myself, in others, in Him - that surrounded me. And not to sound too hyperbolic, but it changed everything.

The situation I was in didn’t change. (It eventually did!) The circumstances around me were the same, but my perspective had shifted. It was as if I had been wearing glasses that were an incorrect prescription, and everything appeared blurry and out of focus. Once that lens was removed, everything became clear and sharp and real. I felt as if a new reality suddenly appeared before me, but it had actually been there all that time. I just couldn’t see it.

There were still difficult days, but hope filled my vision rather than despair. There were still long days and I was tired, but I now had strength from God - the true source of life - in me to rely on rather than willing myself to get from the beginning of the day to the end. I didn’t have to search or try very hard at all to see the good around me. The good now colored everything I saw.

What I didn’t know I was doing when I said that prayer was that I was focusing on the problem. Once I shifted my focus to God, He became the solution that I had been wanting all along.

Words matter. What words are you listening to? Whose words are you allowing to create reality for you? It isn’t inevitable that the current situation you are in will stay the same; you have the ability to choose what lens you view things through.

If you feel stuck, ask those closest to you to share how they see you and your circumstances. Spend time reflecting and journaling about the current situation you’re facing and where you’d like to see change. Invite God into a conversation with you about your current view of what’s going on and ask Him to give you a fresh perspective.

Not sure how to do this on your own? Please feel free to send me an email or schedule some one-on-one time with me. And consider subscribing to my blog, where I post lots of helpful suggestions on how you can begin (and continue) this journey of recovering your blueprint!

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