In my last blog post, I described what a mentor of mine calls “The 50-day Challenge” which is something that has been truly transformational for me. If you haven’t read it, I recommend checking it out before reading this one as it’ll help give context to what I share in this post.
Going beyond the initial 50 days, I continue to have conversations with God about “incorrect thoughts” that I believe about myself or situations. A very old and deep one for me is the belief that “there must be something wrong with me.”
This has shown up in a variety of ways in my life - none of them good, healthy, or accurate. One of these ways is that I often believed it must have been my fault if there was tension or conflict in a relationship with another person.
I hope you noted the past tense of the previous sentence.
That I no longer think that about myself is evidence of tremendous growth and healing. While this incorrect thought still surfaces from time to time, I now recognize it for what it is rather than believing it to be true. It’s no longer paralyzing. It no longer influences conversations with friends or occupies my mind when thinking about the connections I have with others. That change came about only from continuing to spend time with God, hearing his truth about me, believing what God says about me, and living from that truth.
While that may sound like a nice, short summary, the journey to get there was often frustrating and not at all short. It would take one extremely lengthy blog post or shorter ones too numerous to count to accurately describe the details, emotions, and progress of that journey, and so, I’m not going to try to explain it all here. However, if you are interested in hearing more about my journey or how it could look for you, I would love to talk more with you about this. Please get in touch! Send me an email or schedule some time to talk with me.
For now, I’ll leave you with this…
"You didn't paint yourself - God painted you...Not only that, but Jesus is the One who sat in the chair and modeled for the portrait. We are created in His image and in His likeness. Every time we demean ourselves we are talking badly about the Artist and the Model. The truth is that the beauty of creation actually gives glory to the Creator."
-Kris Vallotton
Each of us was handcrafted by God, and there’s nothing wrong with His design. The design is flawless. The blueprint is exactly what He wanted it to be, but the blueprint has gotten distorted. The good news is, the distortions don’t have to continue to exist. The blueprint can be restored to its original design.
God didn’t lose interest in you once you were created. We are all works in progress. Artists cherish their work even after they’ve finished the design. God always has been and always will be captivated by you, and He will always want a relationship with you. Nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38).
Read that last sentence again. NOTHING can separate you from God’s love. NO THING can separate you and God. Not even your own efforts to create distance between you. He loves you that much. Of course He does. He’s your Designer. He’s your Creator. He’s your heavenly Father who loves you more than you will ever be able to comprehend. But don’t take it from me. Let Him tell you what He thinks of you!
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