Feeling Stuck?
“This is just the way I am.”
“This is the way it’s always been.”
“This is the way life will always be.”
Do any of those statements sound familiar? Here’s some good news: you may feel stuck, but you don’t have to stay stuck.
In the previous blog post, I said that along your life journey, you may have experienced things that were never part of your original design - your blueprint. It’s as if when you installed a program to upgrade your computer, unbeknownst to you, a virus came along with that upgrade. And with that program you intentionally installed, there’s now something that isn’t supposed to be there that is constantly running in the background. Sometimes you see glimpses of it pop up here and there, but most of the time, it’s affecting your computer in ways that aren’t entirely noticeable on a regular basis. However, as time passes, you notice that programs are glitchy, the speed at which the computer usually processes is getting slower and slower, until finally, one day in the middle of working on an important project, the whole thing crashes.
Each of us has experienced so much in our lives. So many good things have continued to shape us into the person we were intended to be. So many experiences are in line with our blueprint, and we are becoming more and more the person God designed us to be.
But there have also been experiences that have unknowingly and unintentionally distorted our blueprint. Often, these things make us feel helpless. We didn’t ask for them to happen, we don’t like the consequences and effects of these experiences, and we feel like there’s nothing we can do about it. And if you take a moment to think about these things that have moved you away from your blueprint, you may notice that there seems to be a sort of pattern to them.
Your best friend in elementary school moves away, and you feel incredibly lonely and as if you’ll never find another friend quite like that best friend.
In high school, your crush rejects you and then tells the story to so many people that you feel like “everyone” now knows about your humiliation.
Your fiancé decides a month before the wedding that it just isn’t going to work like you both thought it would…the wedding is called off.
There is often a theme - a message - woven through and connecting the events that have knocked you off your blueprint. And now, what feels far more true than your original design is, “I’ll always be alone…I can’t trust anyone” or whatever the message is that came with your experiences.
It feels true.
The circumstances around you prove to you that you are, indeed, alone.
And so it’s no longer just a thought; you believe it.
And you begin to walk in the direction of “I’ll always be alone” rather than in the direction of your blueprint.
Now what?
Maybe you feel like you’re not sure what the theme or pattern is in your life or as though there isn’t a pattern. Take some time this week to reflect, journal, and/or pray about this. Talk with a family member or friend who knows you well. Invite God into the process with You. He knows you better than anyone else does!
And then check back in next week to read more about breaking these destructive patterns and how to get back to your blueprint.
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