YAY! You're here! Now what?
I’m thrilled that you found Blueprint Heart & Mind Coaching! But you may still be asking yourself, “What exactly is Blueprint Heart & Mind all about?”
I’m so glad you asked!
Every one of us has an original design. A blueprint. True identity. The original idea God had in mind when He created each person. But similar to when you download or install new programs to your computer, there may be some things that came along with that download that you never intended to install.

On our life journeys, we’ve all had unique experiences. Some of those experiences have been wonderful and have continued to shape us into the best version of ourselves. But other experiences have been more similar to accidentally taking on a virus when you installed a new program on your computer. We all believe ideas, exhibit behavior patterns, and engage in ways of relating that negatively affect us and those around us. These thoughts, behavior patterns, and ways of relating were not part of the blueprint, but they’ve been around for so long that they seem like they’ve always been there and that they’re just “part of who we are.”
“This is just the way I am.”
“This is the way it’s always been.”
“This is the way life will always be.”
Do any of those statements sound familiar? Here’s some good news: you may feel stuck, but you don’t have to stay stuck.
You possess the ability to change the way you think, the behavior patterns you’ve learned, and how your ways of relating affect you and those you’re in relationship with. And your part is really simple. You can choose. You choose to engage with God and allow Him to show you how your original design has gotten distorted. You choose to believe your true identity instead of who you’ve been told you are. You choose to get back to your blueprint.
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